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The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

Cal U face masks

Wearing is caring: Cal U to distribute masks as part of reopening plans

Cal U Communications July 22, 2020

15,000. That’s the number of masks Cal U has ordered as the University continues to plan for a responsible reopening of campus while responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the total number, 6,600...

State System to explore university integrations to support student opportunities

State System to explore university integrations to support student opportunities

PASSHE Communications July 22, 2020

The Board of Governors for Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education took another important step forward in its System Redesign effort by authorizing the Chancellor to review the financial impacts...

Undergraduate Commencement ceremony at California University of Pennsylvania, Convocation Center, Dec. 14, 2019.

Cal U joins nationwide degree-completion initiative

Cal U Communications July 8, 2020

California University of Pennsylvania is among the first universities to join the ReUp Network, a national initiative that provides a path to graduation for students who have some college experience but...

FILE:  A photo of participants in a peaceful protest against racial inequality in California Borough, Pa., on June 7, 2020.

Diversity committee to host “Black Lives Matter” virtual listening circle for students

Cal Times June 24, 2020

Title:  "Black Lives Matter " Virtual Listening Circle for Students Sponsored by:  The Cal U Student Affairs Diversity Committee Facilitators:  Dr. Quiana Golphin and Dr. Dawn Moeller Date...

Old Main at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal U announces plan for fall semester reopening

Cal U Communications June 15, 2020

Students at California University of Pennsylvania will start the fall semester one week earlier than planned, returning to a campus where masks and social distancing will be components of everyday college...

Juneteenth Memorial Monument, George Washington Carver Museum, Austin Texas

Student Affairs Diversity Committee to offer Juneteenth Panel Discussion

The Student Affairs Diversity Committee is offering a timely panel discussion about the history of Juneteenth and what it means today. The panel will present a summary of Juneteenth, followed by a guided...

Hundreds march past the Booker Towers at California University of Pennsylvania in a "peaceful protest against police brutality" on June 7, 2020.

Hundreds march, rally through California Borough in peaceful protest

Cal Times June 10, 2020

Nearly 200 participants peacefully marched through the streets of California Borough on Sunday, June 7,  calling for justice and equality for people of color following the deaths of unarmed black people...

Dixon Hall, California University of Pennsylvania, April 4, 2020.

Provost announces academic reorganization at Cal U, consolidates undergraduate Colleges

Cal U Communications June 10, 2020

(June 5, 2020) To all faculty, students and staff, Throughout its history, California University has embraced change in order to thrive. Today our University announces a transformative change...

Geraldine M. Jones, president, California University of Pennsylvania

President Jones shares message with Cal U Community on the George Floyd tragedy

Geraldine M. Jones, University President June 3, 2020

(June 2, 2020) To our campus community, The brutal and senseless death of George Floyd reminds us of how far we need to go in the unmasking of racism within our nation. Time and time again, many black...

Clark Harrison, chairman, holds a welcome sign and greets Weston Bourne upon arrival at The Village Early Childhood Education Center, Liberty Street, California, Pa., on June 1, 2020.  Prior to opening day, children were invited to select and vote on hair colors for the staff and administration.  They selected the color "green" for Harrison.

The Village childcare and preschool center reopens, follows CDC guidelines for childcare programs

Cal Times June 3, 2020

(June 3, 2020) The Village Early Childhood Education Center’s facility in California, Pa. reopened on Monday after being closed for more than two months amid the novel coronavirus pandemic. Following...

Lily Gongaware's photo illustration was a Mark of Excellence national finalist.

Cal Times wins one national award and two regional awards presented by the Society of Professional Journalists

Cal U Communications May 27, 2020

Two May 2020 graduates were recently honored by the Society of Professional Journalists. Lily Gongaware’s photo illustration, “Cal U for Life,” which was the Cal Times cover on May 3, 2019, was...

Can you dig it? Dr. Marc Henshaw, a.k.a. “The Archeology Dude,” talks about unique field experiences in U.S. and abroad

Cal Times May 27, 2020

Dr. Marc Henshaw, an instructor in Cal U's department of History, Politics, Society and Law, and a 1998 graduate of California University of Pennsylvania,  has followed an interesting career path in the...

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