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The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

Free Market

Free Market Fair

Andrew Havens, Staff Writer December 2, 2022

Clothes, hygiene products, silverware and more lined the corridor of the Natali Student Center on Tuesday, Nov. 15, free for any and all students walking through. The yearly Free Market Fair had kicked...

Meet the Career Center

Meet the Career Center

CalTimes, Staff Writer November 25, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving from CalTimes

Happy Thanksgiving from CalTimes

Ashlyn Hornick, Staff Writer November 18, 2022

Toys for Tots Donation Drive hosted by Student Government

Toys for Tots Donation Drive

Sarah Seader, Editor-in-Chief November 18, 2022

The Student Government Association (SGA) is currently hosting a Toys for Tots Donation Drive until the end of November. If someone is interested in donating toys, they can drop them off in one of the three...

Financial Literacy Webinar

Financial Literacy Webinar

Sarah Camp, Staff Writer November 18, 2022

Brian Stone and Bukola Adesanmi presented on the fundamentals of financial literacy on Thursday, Nov. 10, kicking off a series of webinars hosted by PennWest California’s Office of Academic Success. Stone...

Tuition Discount

Tuition Discount

Austin Loring, Staff Writer November 18, 2022

Pennsylvania Western University is now accepting applications for a newly launched program that gives Commonwealth of Pennsylvania state employees a 20% discounted rate on tuition. The program which...

Stress Awareness Week

Stress Awareness Week

Hannah Williams, Staff Writer November 18, 2022

In honor of International Stress Awareness Week, PennWest California students and faculty are discussing stress management and the stigma surrounding mental health. According to the International Stress...

BeReal Logo

BeReal App

Max Gauden, Staff Writer November 18, 2022

A new social media app has taken college campuses by storm. BeReal, a photo sharing social network app, has been going viral due mainly to college students. According to Apptopia, active BeReal users...

Student Appreciation Week Recap

Student Appreciation Week Recap

Anna Hohowski, Staff Writer November 18, 2022

In a week packed with prizes, performances, and popup events, PennWest California’s Student Appreciation Week took place this past Sunday through Saturday, Nov. 6-12. Monday began with the kickoff...

The 49th Annual Veterans Day Dinner

The 49th Annual Veterans Dinner

Sarah Seader, Editor-in-Chief November 11, 2022

On Tuesday, Nov. 8 several people gathered in the South Wing of the Convocation Center for the 49th Annual Veterans Dinner, hosted by the Cal Veteran’s Club. The night started with light appetizers...

SAW Gift Card Bingo

Student Appreciation Week

Max Gauden, Staff Writer November 11, 2022

From Monday through Saturday of this week, PennWest California will be celebrating Student Appreciation Week. It is organized by members of the PennWest California Student Government. Students have...

Corq/Engage Instructions

Corq/Engage App

Maggie Hay, Staff Writer November 11, 2022

As PennWest University continues to establish a uniform school system during the integration between California University of Pennsylvania, Clarion University, and Edinboro University, staff members and...

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