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The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

The Cal Times student news is a publication of the Student Association Inc. at California University of Pennsylvania

Cal Times

The Spring 2023 Student Appreciation Week Schedule

Student Appreciation Week for Spring 2023 is Here

Sarah Seader, Editor-in-Chief March 31, 2023

PennWest California students are encouraged to partake in this semester's Student Appreciation Week Apr. 3 through Apr. 8. With free laundry in the residence halls to several events, popups, and giveaways...

Sean Kingston

Sean Kingston will perform at Cal’s Convocation Center on Apr.16

Student Activities Board March 31, 2023

Dedicating nearly his entire life to music and achieving superstardom when he was just 17, Sean Kingston has amassed an untold amount of experience as a singer/songwriter over the years. On his third-full...

Trivia Night at Primanti Brothers

Trivia Nights draw Cal students with prizes and fun

Emily Wilson, Staff Writer March 24, 2023

On Tuesday nights, PennWest California students Payton Hlatky-Walters and George Medved will be working hard answering quiz-like questions, not for a test, but for Trivia Night at Primanti Bros. in Uniontown. “We...

Mindfulness and Meditation Club Coming to PennWest Cal

Mindfulness and Meditation Club Coming to PennWest Cal

Andrew Havens, Staff Writer March 24, 2023

Dr. Michael Baranski sat in his small office in Morgan Hall, and leaned slightly back in his chair. As he stared at childrens' drawings of superheroes taped onto his wall, the well put-together Assistant...

Sommelier performed live at The Underground on Thursday, Mar. 16

Sommelier Performed Live on Campus

Makayla McNett, Staff Writer March 24, 2023

On Thursday, Mar. 16 Sommelier performed a live show on campus to kick off St. Patrick’s Day Weekend. The show started at 9:00 p.m and was held as a part of the St. Patrick’s Open Mic Night, hosted...

PennWest California's Meteorology Club Presents Sky Warn Spotter Training

PennWest California’s Meteorology Club Presents Sky Warn Spotter Training

Sarah Seader, Editor-in-Chief March 17, 2023

Join PennWest California's Meteorology Club as they present Sky Warn Spotter Training on Monday, Apr. 3 at 6 p.m. in Eberly Hall 110. This event is hosted with the National Weather Service and is free...

The Mon Valley Performing Arts Academy during last year's production of Honk Jr.

The Mon Valley Performing Arts Academy

Emily Wilson, Staff Writer March 17, 2023

Destiny Cumberland was a junior majoring in Theatre at California University of Pennsylvania in 2019 when she began teaching acting for Mon Valley Performing Arts Academy. It was her first experience teaching...

Rachel Boltz Conference

Rachel Boltz Conference

Andrew Havens, Staff Writer March 3, 2023

Rachel Boltz has taken advantage of many opportunities in life on her way to being an integral part of the Rapid City Rush hockey program in South Dakota, but she's had her fair share of hardship.  Her...

Spring Break 2023 
Everything You Need to Know

Spring Break 2023

Ashlyn Hornick, Staff Writer March 3, 2023

Supply Drive hosted by the CalU Sustainability Club

East Palestine Supply Drive Sponsored by the Sustainability Club

Sarah Seader, Editor-in-Chief March 3, 2023

The Sustainability Club is accepting various items including bottled water, gallons of water, canned food, dish soap unscented, unscented trash bags, disposable nitrile gloves, and 3m acid-gas disposable...

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