Spring Break Trip 2024
Early enrollment opens to PennWest University students for an international travel opportunity in the spring of 2024.
Spring Break Trip to keep in mind
October 20, 2022
Early enrollment opens to PennWest University students for an international travel opportunity in the spring of 2024.
This trip, open to all students at PennWest University, will take a group of travelers on a tour of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway over the course of 10 days. The trip will begin on March 1 and will conclude on March 10, with the group departing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Education First tour group webpage states that the purpose of this tour is to “…offer insight into the progressive, political, social, economic and educational philosophies powering contemporary Scandinavian society.” For Sean Madden, group leader for this tour and professor at PennWest California campus, this means giving students the opportunity to experience other cultures through immersion.
“Travel is unique in providing a global awareness and global perspective,” said Madden. “Students constantly tell me that they understand themselves and their home country much better after seeing other parts of the world. It is really difficult to understand one’s place in the world without seeing the world.”
Madden, who has led trips to 52 countries over the last 25 years, said that these trips provide a safe and encouraging way for students to begin travelling abroad. Students are educated on essential topics prior to the trip, in order to alleviate the pressure for first-time travelers.
“I always have a significant number of first-time travelers on these trips,” said Madden, “We spend quite a bit of time and effort preparing students with simple things like how to pack, what money to bring, what to expect, and how to behave.”
Despite Madden’s inclusion of available trips in the daily campus announcements, students may have difficulty finding relevant information and contacts. Christopher Girardi, a senior at PennWest California, said that this is the first time he has received information on international travel opportunities through the university. He said he saw it as a great way to gain a new perspective, but expressed that he did not think that it was being adequately communicated to students. “This is the first time I’m hearing about it,” said Girardi.
For students like Girardi, unforeseen circumstances during the trip stand as a major concern. EF states on the Scandinavia tour webpage that their services include “Worldwide support, safety and security,” however the impact of unexpected events on student experiences can be significant. Madison Murphy, another senior at PennWest California, recalls her experience on a university trip to Greece in spring 2019.
“COVID-19 was just beginning to spread in the media when we left for our trip March 5, and by the time we returned on March 13, just before midnight, the country was shutting down its borders and flights,” said Murphy. “We discussed coming home a day or two early but ended up staying the entire trip as planned. Some attractions in Greece, like shows and certain national sites and monuments, were closed already as a result of COVID-19.”
Murphy said that these complications did not negatively affect her outlook on international travel. However, Murphy did raise some concerns regarding the involvement of students in the planning and preparation process.
“The planning process at the time didn’t involve the students much,” said Murphy. “Before we went on the trip, we had one meeting where we were provided information about housing, fees, meals, travel, et cetera. After that meeting, we received some emails throughout the next few months before the trip took place.”
Murphy also remarked on the price of the trip. The spring 2024 tour currently costs a total of $4,889, or $300 a month. Students who enroll before October 31, a rapidly approaching deadline, will receive a $200 discount on this price. Murphy understands the significance of finances on student’s decision to join a trip through the university, but encourages her fellow students to do so if they are capable.
“This trip gave me the confidence I needed to travel without such a large group, but I am glad I took the opportunity when I did,” said Murphy.
Students interested in enrolling in the 2024 trip to Scandinavia may contact Sean Madden for more information.