Cal U Communications
Cal U Women's History Month 2021: "Breaking Barriers"
(March 2021) California University of Pennsylvania plans a series of events to celebrate March as Women’s History Month. These free events will be held virtually via Zoom and are open to the public.
12:30-1:45 p.m. March 2: Lisa Tetrault, associate professor of history at Carnegie Mellon University, will present “When Women Won the Right to Vote: A History Unfinished.” Tetrault is a leading scholar of women’s suffrage, specializing in American democracy and social movements. She is the author of the prize-winning book, The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848-1898. Zoom: https://calu.zoom.us/j/95835368643
11 a.m.-noon March 11: “A Life Well-Lived: Lessons from Mel Blumberg” highlights the legacy of the late political science professor and director of the American Democracy Project at Cal U. Panelists: Alumna Courtney Cochran; Dr. Laura Tuennerman, history professor; Liz Mims, director, Dress for Success; Dr. Kelton Edmonds, history professor; Dr. Ayanna Walker, professor of health sciences; Dr. Lenora Angelone, former vice president for Student Affairs. Zoom: https://calu.zoom.us/j/92359782216
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. March 18: “Yoga Roots on Location.” Felicia Savage Friedman emphasizes an individual and collective care approach to dismantling systems of oppression and integrating a trauma-sensitive, holistic approach to daily life. Zoom: https://calu.zoom.us/j/93666518631
11 a.m.-noon March 23: “Women Paving the Way” panel discussion. Participants: Traci McDonald, judge, Washington County Court of Common Pleas; Michel Conklin, executive director, BotsIQ; Melissa Stein, co-founder, Stein Wealth Advisors; Tiffany Kline-Costa, sergeant of the Community Engagement Office, Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Zoom: https://calu.zoom.us/j/92080097461
11 a.m.-noon March 30: 11 a.m.-noon March 30: “Celebration of Women” gathering. Recipients of The President’s Commission for the Status of Women Person of the Year award and the Mel Blumberg Sunshine Award will be announced. The award, new this year, honors Blumberg’s commitment to both formal and informal mentorship, and to “spreading sunshine” by lifting up those around her. Zoom: https://calu.zoom.us/j/98838074079