Jonny’s Country Kitchen: How to cook deer steaks


Jonathan Sakaguchi, Contributor

During the fall and early winter seasons, particularly in the regions surrounding Cal U’s campus and throughout Pennsylvania,  many hunters pursue a popular tradition of going out into the woods to hunt for deer; not just for sport or game, but also to help stock up their freezers with meat for the harsh winter ahead.

Now it’s one thing to get your prize deer home and clean it up and into the freezer, but you also have to know how to cook it the right way.  Below is the recipe.  Watch our video to see how it’s done!

Deer steak ingredients

Garlic powder

1/2 stick of butter or 1/2 cooking oil

Black pepper

Chili powder

All season salt

Italian seasoning

Dice garlic

1 onion (dice or cut)

Deer steaks: Cook for 30 minutes or until browned

Let rest for 10 mins

Fried Onions cut or dice up

Place into same pan as deer steaks (after you’ve cooked the steaks) cook for 15 mins add salt and pepper

Let rest on a plate with a paper towel to remover the excess grease

Add your other sides and enjoy!