Cons: Michael Vick singing with the Pittsburgh Steelers
Many have shown displeasure with addition of Vick
In 2007, Vick served 21 months in prison followed by 2 months of home confinement for promoting, funding and facilitating an illegal dog fighting operation
September 4, 2015
The city of Pittsburgh is relatively clean and safe when compared to other American cities. Residents are helpful and kind, and its college is well renowned. Its Cathedral of Learning provides tourists with a sense of direction. Students from Duquesne, DeVry, and Pitt bustle from class to class. While tourists enjoy Pittsburgh’s three rivers and countless bridges, the city’s current media attention stems from something far less attractive. Pittsburgh’s world-famous football team has enlisted an embarrassing ex-convict.
Professional football has seen its fair share of drug and alcohol-related offenders, but Michael Vick’s criminal record bears a different name – animal abuse. Bringing in millions of dollars in 2007, Vick could have easily afforded a beautiful house, luxury car, and any pedigree of household pet. However, instead of raising animals with love and compassion, Vick was caught enjoying the festivities of dog fighting.
“Pittsburgh’s world-famous football team has enlisted an embarrassing ex-convict”
It has often been said that a canine’s temperament reflects that of its owner. While some dogs are warm and others are strictly obedient, the dogs that Vick interacted with were dangerous, bloody, and trained to fight to their death. It is true that, perhaps lead by his public relations staff, Vick has volunteered for animal shelters and even donated funds to animal protection programs. As Vick is so obviously centered in the limelight of celebrity, it is natural to wonder whether these good deeds stemmed from a newly acquired sense of animal sympathy or if they were the product of a soiled reputation. Volunteering time and money has been a longstanding method of garnering fans’ forgiveness and support. Vick now stands alongside Michael Phelps and Tiger Woods. All three have publically atoned for their sins in order to regain the status and wages that accompanies professional athleticism.
Compared to the four million dollars that Vick received in 2014 from the New York Jets and the $970,000 he received from the Pittsburgh Steelers, an attempt at animal empathy seems a small price to pay. Fans will continue to cheer on their favorite team, regardless of Vick’s presence. Yet, his signing sends a dim message to sports fans everywhere. Even the worst behavior seems to have little consequence in the National Football League. Tuning in to ESPN, buying game tickets, and ordering food at home game concession stands will now indirectly support Michael Vick.
It will be difficult for some Steeler’s fans to sport their game day t-shirts given the team’s recent decision to enlist an ex-dog fighter on their team. It is difficult for this university student to forgive, forget, and support Michael Vick and his $970,000 salary.