Student Appreciation Week Details
Student Government President Amanda Considine talks to Tom about Student Appreciation week on his show “Caton’s Corner.”
October 28, 2020
Amanda Considine, current president of the Student Government Association at California University of Pennsylvania, knows how difficult it has been the last several months amidst the ongoing pandemic. However, that did not put a dent in any plans to halt operations in student government.
“It was a big adjustment to online at first,” said Considine. “I have a love-hate relationship with it definitely, but I have adjusted to everything being online.”
Every semester, one full week is dedicated to appreciate Cal U students, hence why the week is called student appreciation week. Throughout the week, different events and plans are hosted to allow students the opportunity to have some fun and relaxation time, and to get away from their classes.
“Students mean everything to Cal U and are the sole purpose to how the campus thrives each academic year,” said Considine.
Considine is overall satisfied with the turnout in student government so far since the fall semester began. She was thrown into the role of president at the beginning of the semester and was nervous about participation since everything has been online for the last few months. However, she is rather impressed by the amount of participation from students and is glad to see that.
“People still show up to our bi-weekly meetings and we have gotten some real good participation out of it,” said Considine.
Considine and the rest of student government are excited for this semester’s student appreciation week. The week is usually held around the time of midterms so students can take time from classes to relax and de-stress from their schoolwork. Student appreciation week will occur during the week of Nov. 1 through 7, and each day plans to have fun and exciting activities for students.
Student Government Vice President, Maria Dovshek, is also eager for student appreciation week to begin.
“There is going to be many events going on during student appreciation week,” said Dovshek.
Events scheduled to occur during the week include social media challenges with giveaways, a townhall meeting for Cal U students to express concerns, a gaming tournament, a giveaway for students who will vote in the upcoming election, and campaigns on “how to be a good neighbor” for students living in California right now and a “#IMaskUpFor” campaign.
Student government is also collaborating with California University Television to produce a series of appreciation videos from faculty members, speaking why they appreciate working with students.
Both Considine and Dovshek know it can be extremely tough hosting virtual events and no one attends them. Dovshek always looks forward to student appreciation week and loves the student interaction.
“It is always easier to get the word out about the upcoming events and those interactions are also what makes the week fun,” said Dovshek.
All members of student government work extensively around the clock. Since last semester’s student appreciation week was also hosted virtually, due to the pandemic, members had an idea of how to approach this semester’s student appreciation week, based off of last semester’s turn out.
For Considine and Dovshek, student appreciation week is a time for students to unwind, relax, and try to have some fun. Even other Cal U faculty and staff join in on the fun during student appreciation week.
“In the end, it really all is about giving back to students,” said Considine. “To see professors and other staff join in makes me smile. It all shows that we are here for each other.”
According to Considine, members of student government were apprehensive about hosting student appreciation week this semester. She said last semester’s appreciation week had a decent turn out, but it did not feel the same as if it happened in person on campus.
“Since students are learning remotely at home, I feel like they need some extra encouragement, and that is why student government went ahead with plans for student appreciation week,” said Considine.
We have some events happening for everyone, whether they are living at home or living at Cal right now,” said Considine. She hopes that these virtual events can make students feel like they are still at Cal U.
A student appreciation week is scheduled to occur in the spring semester too, regardless of classes being taught on campus or online. Considine said students always need to be appreciated since they are what makes Cal U thrive.
Considine and Dovshek are proud to be members of student government because it allows them many different opportunities.
“My favorite aspect of SGA is that we are valued and heard; this organization allows us to have a voice,” said Dovshek. “I am very proud to be a student leader for our university.”
We get to interact with other people on several occasions,” said Considine. “The work we do puts a smile on my face.”
Student Government members are looking forward to another successful student appreciation week. Considine and Dovshek encourage any students to direct message student government members whenever they have questions, comments, or concerns on Instagram, @Calstudentgov at any time.
“We’re looking forward to another great student appreciation week,” said Considine. “We hope it is a good turn out!”