Provost announces academic reorganization at Cal U, consolidates undergraduate Colleges
Dixon Hall, California University of Pennsylvania, April 4, 2020.
June 10, 2020
(June 5, 2020)
To all faculty, students and staff,

Throughout its history, California University has embraced change in order to thrive.
Today our University announces a transformative change in its academic alignment that will streamline academic operations, provide greater consistency to the student experience, expand teaching opportunities for permanent faculty, and make a significant contribution to Cal U’s long-term financial sustainability.
Beginning June 8, the University will:
Consolidate its three undergraduate colleges to form the College of Education and Liberal Arts, and the Eberly College of Science and Technology. Each college will be led by a dean and an assistant dean.
Reorganize and consolidate academic departments, reducing the total from 22 to 11. Combining certain departments allows Cal U to strategically align accreditations and to pair academic programs and faculty that can collaborate and share qualifications.
Realize savings in excess of $700,000 per year by reducing personnel costs and related expenses. This ongoing cost reduction is an essential component of Cal U’s plan to assure its future by achieving financial sustainability within two years, as required by the State System.
The new College of Education and Liberal Arts will consist of the departments of Education, Health and Human Service Professions, Humanities, Letters, and Social Sciences. The federally funded TRIO program is housed in this College as well.
The Eberly College of Science and Technology will house the departments of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences; Business, Economics and Enterprise Sciences; Computer Science, Information Systems and Engineering Technology; Exercise Science and Sport Studies; Mathematics and Physical Sciences; and Nursing and Health Sciences.
The School of Graduate Studies and Research will remain unchanged.
View a list of academic departments and programs by College.
Our undergraduate deans joined me in leading this reorganization plan, which was developed in consultation with faculty and union leaders, as well as University administrators.
The plan allows Cal U to remain a comprehensive, multi-faceted University – a benefit to students – while streamlining administrative operations.
What does this mean for students?
Academic reorganization will not affect students’ progress toward graduation. Some programs will be housed within a different College or a new academic department, but course content, program accreditation and graduation requirements will not be affected.
Students will benefit because more courses will be taught by permanent faculty instead of temporary instructors.
Some students will have new academic advisors.
What does this mean for faculty?
Faculty will be assigned to new departments; a few departments will be housed in a different College. The University will follow APSCUF guidelines for election of department chairs. Some faculty may be assigned new student advisees.
The realignment is intended to reduce the need for faculty retrenchment, and it expands available teaching opportunities for permanent faculty to align with current enrollment.
What does this mean for staff?
The plan assigns an administrative assistant to the office of each dean/assistant dean and a clerk-typist to every academic department. Some staff members may be assigned new duties, but the plan reduces the likelihood of staff furloughs.
Our University is resilient and determined to succeed, even in challenging times. This academic realignment demonstrates Cal U’s strength, adaptability and commitment. I sincerely thank all those who contributed to this plan, and I call on our Cal U community to implement these changes with optimism and resolve. Together, we are securing a stronger, brighter future for Cal U.
Sincerely yours,
Provost Bruce Barnhart
Bruce D. Barnhart, EdD
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs