President Jones shares message with Cal U Community on the George Floyd tragedy
Geraldine M. Jones, president, California University of Pennsylvania
June 3, 2020
(June 2, 2020)
To our campus community,
The brutal and senseless death of George Floyd reminds us of how far we need to go in the unmasking of racism within our nation. Time and time again, many black lives are snuffed out. Time and time again, the cries of families and communities go unheard.
And once again, the voices of peaceful protesters, guaranteed by the First Amendment, are strained with the frustration of injustice.
My heart aches for his family, and for everyone who continues to live the ugly reality of racism. The protests occurring in our nation and abroad are sending the message loud and clear that we have much work to do to end this plague of hatred that exists in our country.
I personally understand the fear, hurt and anger that so many black Americans are feeling today. Yet I am encouraged that a rainbow of citizens is hearing the call that is awakening the hearts of others in this struggle.
At California University, we will continue to do our part to stand firm against injustice and racism, and to ensure a safe environment for our Cal U community. This University will not tolerate racist attitudes or behaviors. As our students become leaders of today and of the future, we strongly believe our responsibility as a University is to serve as beacon of light for a better world.
Let our core values of integrity, civility and responsibility be the compass that continues to guide us. Human character is not measured in times of favorable circumstance, but in those times that test one’s soul.
Geraldine M. Jones