Cal U Baseball Coach Mike Conte recognizes graduating seniors and talks about the program (VIDEO)
Cal U Head Baseball Coach Mike Conte talks to a player at a home game versus UPJ at Washington Wild Things Park on April 6, 2019.
April 23, 2020
Cal U athletics will be recognizing senior student-athletes virtually as a way to celebrate the seniors that were unable to have their traditional recognition this spring.
• Position: Infielder/Pitcher
• Hometown: Connellsville, Pa.
• High School: Connellsville
• Parent: Timothy Fogle
• Major: Criminal Justice
What was the best part of being a student-athlete at Cal U?
Doing all my research papers on long bus rides. It made the time go so much faster and I always seemed to have a paper to write in my major [criminal justice].
What will you miss most about Cal U Baseball?
Coach Conte and Coach Noro. They were the best coaches I’ve ever had and they always made sure we had what we needed and we never did without. They are down-to-earth guys that would both give you the shirt off their back if they had to.
What are you taking away from this unique situation?
Life will knock you down so many times in college sports, but you must put your head down, close your mouth and go to work. Never take anything for granted.
What has been your favorite moment as a student-athlete at Cal U?
My favorite moment of being a student-athlete at Cal U is just the comradery between each sports team. We all want to see each other succeed and everyone on the baseball team wanted to see each other succeed as well. It was just a great thing to be around for four years.

Corey Fogle, Cal U baseball team
• Position: Pitcher
• Hometown: Baltimore, Md.
• High School: Loyola Blakefield
• Parents: Randy and Becki Kail
• Major: Mechatronics Engineering Technology
What are you taking away from this unique situation?
Never take anything for granted. You never know when your last pitch or at-bat will be, so play like it’s your last chance every single time.
What was your favorite college experience outside of athletics?
Making a slip ‘n slide in our backyard with our friends to enjoy on an off day and nice weather.
What was the best part of being a student-athlete at Cal U?
The best part about being a student-athlete is that there are a ton of people ready to help you with whatever you need. Whether it be academics, health issues, or mental health issues, there is always someone you can go to for help.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen about college athletics?
Be ready to adapt to a new environment. It’s a step up from high school and more things are expected from you. Come in with an extreme work ethic ready to compete for a starting role because that pushes everyone on the team to raise the standard. Be a part of the family and don’t play as an individual. Play for the team because at the end of the day one person doesn’t win or lose the game.

Bradyn Kail
• Position: Outfielder
• Hometown: California, Pa.
• High School: California
• Parents: Brian Previsky and Christa Kuvinka
• Major: Grades 4-8/Special Education (Science)
What will you miss most about Cal U Baseball?
The off-field relationship that our team had. We were truly brothers and built relationships that nobody could ever take away from us.
What was the best part of being a student-athlete at Cal U?
All the extra help that was provided to us, such as scheduling, academic resources, and support from not only coaches, but faculty members.
What are you taking away from this unique situation?
Sometime life throws you a curveball. Just sit back, drive it to right center and run for days.
Why did you choose to become a Vulcan?
It gave me a chance to play baseball for my hometown. Out of high school, I went away for school, but nothing beats the feeling of playing for your hometown team.

• Position: Pitcher
• Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa.
• High School: Keystone Oaks
• Parents: James and Tracy Riggle
• Major: Business Administration
What was the best part of being a student-athlete at Cal U?
I feel that being a student-athlete gave me the skills that I will be able to use to enhance my personal value. It has taught me how to multitask at a very high level. Juggling good grades and producing at a high level on the field, you really have to focus.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen about college athletics?
Don’t let the game speed up on you. It’s the same game that you have always played. Know the whole team is behind you and they want you to be the best you can be.
What was your proudest athletic achievement at Cal U?
Winning the Bruce Dal Canton Pitching Award during my junior year. I was extremely honored, as so many other great pitchers had won it before me.
What was your favorite moment as a student-athlete at Cal U?
My favorite moment was beating Millersville in the PSAC Tournament last year. The way we were able to comeback made it super memorable.