Gone fishin’: Anglers at Pike Run in California Borough take advantage of Pa.’s surprise announcement to open trout season early
Michael Goga, fisheries & wildlife major, Cal U, displays a trout he caught before releasing it back into the waters of Pike Run, California, Pa. on April 7, 2020, the first official day of trout season.
April 9, 2020
Trout season in Pennsylvania is officially underway.
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission opened the season Tuesday morning, April 7, 2020.
The surprise opening of the season is intended to discourage concentrated gatherings of people that may have occurred on the traditional opening day, to minimize intrastate and interstate travel, and to reduce the threat of illegal poaching in waters that have already been stocked, the commission said in a release.
Anglers and boaters must abide by social distancing guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Governor Tom Wolf’s Stay-at-Home Order regarding COVID-19.
The statewide opening day for trout was previously scheduled for April 18.

Michael Gorga, fisheries and wildlife major, Cal U, catching and releasing trout at Pike Run in California, Pa. April 7, 2020.

Jamel Lewis of Grindstone, Pa. catches a trout at Pike Run on April 7, 2020.

Frank Barber, Elco, Pa. catches a trout at Pike Run, California, Pa. on April 7, 2020. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission opened trout season nearly two weeks early in an effort to “discourage concentrated gatherings of people” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jamel Lewis of Grindstone, Pa. trout fishing at Pike Run on April 7, 2020.

A sign posted on a tree near Rotary Park in California, Pa., notifies anglers that the waters have been stocked with trout for the season which opened officially on April 7, 2020.

Michael Gorga, fisheries and wildlife major, Cal U, displays trout before releasing it back into Pike Run on the opening day of trout season, April 7, 2020.