“#CalUTogetherApart,” a student guide to virtual resources and programs (April 7 edition)
California University of Pennsylvania campus, April 5, 2020
April 6, 2020
For all the latest on resources and programs available check out #CalUTogetherApart courtesy of Student Affairs! We have everything from your virtual health and wellness needs to virtual bingo! Tune into National Collegiate Trivia Night every Wednesday at 8 p.m. or reserve your spot for PIRSA eSports Tournament!
STAND Wednesday Night
A time of encouragement from God’s Word, interviews and a little bit of fun!
9PM Every Wednesday Night
Join Zoom Meeting https://calu.zoom.us/j/836678434 Meeting ID: 836 678 434
or Instagram Live @standcalu
Group Discussion on the Bible
4PM Tuesdays
Join Zoom Meeting https://calu.zoom.us/j/231460075 Meeting ID: 231 460 075
National Collegiate Trivia Night:
Who can participate; Any student, faculty, or staff member from schools across the country
When: Every Wednesday in April beginning this Wednesday, April 1st at 8pm EST
Where: Streaming live on our Twitch Channel: Recwithoutborders (https://www.twitch.tv/recwithoutborders)
How: Create your own Twitch Account and follow our channel to participate. It is that is easy! The trivia itself is mobile-friendly
Prizes: Swag prizes to the top 5 finishers, and random drawings throughout the event
PIRSA State eSports Tournaments:
Sign ups start Mon, April 6 at 12pm
Sign ups end Mon, April 20 at 12pm
Virtual Resources for Students
Tiny Goat Visits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad2anrWsl3Y! The Oregon Zoo has tiny goats that employees take for walks through the zoo so that the goats get exercise, and get to visit the other zoo animals (it’s educational as well, for those with children).
Virtual Hogwarts Escape Room:
Lindsey (Neon/Paint Social) –online activity: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paintsocialwithlindsey/videos/3240010252689453/
Paint Social: IGTV: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B95OyDYh36w/?igshid=eux3lppztc1x
Paint Social: https://www.facebook.com/1418145891555175/posts/2757608527608898/?vh=e&d=n
15 Broadway Plays and Musicals you can watch from home:
Netflix Party – a new way to watch Netflix together for free: https://www.netflixparty.com/
Cal U Alumni Podcast on Spotify: http://ow.ly/Xszu50yNYoD
Cal Times FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/CalUTimes
CUTV FB: https://www.facebook.com/CaliforniaUniversityTelevision/
WCAL: https://www.facebook.com/91.9WCAL/
National Collegiate Trivia Night:
- Who can participate; Any student, faculty, or staff member from schools across the country
- When: Every Wednesday in April beginning this Wednesday, April 1st at 8pm EST
- Where: Streaming live on our Twitch Channel: Recwithoutborders(https://www.twitch.tv/recwithoutborders)
- How: Create your own Twitch Account and follow our channel to participate. It is that is easy! The trivia itself is mobile-friendly
- Prizes: Swag prizes to the top 5 finishers, and random drawings throughout the event
PIRSA State eSports Tournaments:https://www.imleagues.com/spa/intramural/502a8e6f25094206b402f766322aae7a/home
- Sign ups start Mon, April 6 at 12pm
- Sign ups end Mon, April 20 at 12pm

Food Banks:
The Greater Washington County Food Bank (GWCFB.org) is open and has increased operations. If you are out of work without pay, you are eligible to receive food sourced from the state and federal government from a food bank or food pantry in Pennsylvania. This includes service workers who are unable to get shifts or hourly wage employees of non-essential businesses that have voluntarily closed due to COVID-19 mitigation.
You will need to complete an application for supplemental food assistance, and signatures have been temporarily waived due to COVID-19. You will be asked to provide your household size and weekly income level as of the day you apply. Complete income guidelines can be found at agriculture.pa.gov. Please call (724) 632 – 2190 x 107 to verbally complete your Application for Supplemental Food Assistance, or complete online on our sign-up page.
Fayette County Community Action Food Bank:
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank: https://www.pittsburghfoodbank.org/get-help/
If you are needing food assistance outside of the areas listed above, please contact
Diane Hasbrouck at [email protected].
Fraternity/Sorority Life:
PhiredUp is providing free online resources:
Health and Wellness:
Allegheny Health Network: COVID-19 drive through virus testing information: https://www.ahn.org/news/03-18-2020/ahn-to-open-4-drive-collection-sites-covid-19-testing-throughout-western-pa
Internet Archive – Nonprofit library consisting of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Meetings and Podcasts:
Virtual meeting tips: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5bedc8521b35278d680e478b/5e7251d0760345bb15274d52_Virtual%20Meeting%20Tips%20(Phired%20Up%20%26%20TechniPhi%20FREE%20Resource).pdf
TEAMS also has some features that are helpful for video chatting or even instant messaging. The chat feature has been helpful for quick dialogue throughout the day with colleagues.
Here are two tutorials conference services has found helpful:
YouTube TEAMS instruction video: https://youtu.be/bK6ArmNdseo
Zoom Meeting Application and how to use the conferencing software.
Zoom meetings: https://calu.zoom.us
Email (web client) – https://outlook.com/calu.edu
Office 365 Online https://office.com
D2L: https://calu.desire2learn.com
Online Library Resources: https://library.calu.edu
Zoom background features using Canva: https://www.canva.com/ to jazz up your zoom meeting backgrounds.

Recreation and Activities:
YMCA – Boot Camp Yoga – 60 FREE online classes. The classes are available at ymca360.org.
No membership is needed to access the classes.
“Madden 20/FIFA 20 eSports Ladder Tournament on IMLeagues: “www.imleagues.com/cup”
Virtual Fitness
Popsugar Fitness: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBINFWq52ShSgUFEoynfSwg
Beginner Bodyweight Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77b57erQ4M
Fitness Bender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77b57erQ4M
Down Dog Fitness App: https://www.downdogapp.com/ (completely free until 4/1 or free until 7/1 for students/teachers if you sign up with your school account)
Beginner Flexibility Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_xrDAtykMI
Yoga for Anxiety and Stress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJbRpHZr_d0
Yoga for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7AYKMP6rOE
Peloton App: https://www.onepeloton.com/app (free for 90 days)
MyFitnessPal Apps: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/apps
Virtual YMCA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOGt_IpceP_xQhhCMCrut_A?app=desktop
blogilates: https://www.youtube.com/user/blogilates/playlists (Full length pilates inspired workouts you can follow along at home)
Sarah’s Day: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR7omILXQ3ZjPDLakbk_OWTFZFh3Odorh (Quick workouts designed to work up a sweat and burn fat)
Additional List of Free or Reduce Services: https://www.militaryspouse.com/news/free-services-during-coronavirus-quarantine/
Outdoor Recreation
Find the best place to hike near you: https://www.alltrails.com/us/pennsylvania
Various Parks and Trails in Washington County: https://www.co.washington.pa.us/164/Parks-Recreation (Some parks may be closed as a precaution)
Various Parks and Trails in Fayette County: https://www.fayettecountypa.org/538/Parks-Trails (Some parks may be closed as a precaution)
Venture Outdoors Walks: https://walks.ventureoutdoors.org/?addr=&view=tiles&elev=under100%2Cover100&type=paved%2Cunpaved%2Ctrail&leng=under1%2Cover1&prox=near%2Cmid%2Cfar

Route 40 Classic Diner in Grindstone, Pa. is offering take-out service due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Restaurants/Cooking at home:
Restaurant | Phone | Delivery | Address |
Campy’s Pizza | 724.938.2700 | y | 153 Wood Street, California |
Chuck Wagon | 724.632.6679 | n | 680 National Pike W. Brownsville |
Dairy Queen | 724.938.7655 | Doordash | 250 Third Street, California |
Fiddles Diner | 724.785.2020 | n | 101 Bridge Street, Brownsville |
Foster House II | 724.929.7679 | n | One Cook Road, Belle Vernon |
Georgios Subs | 724.785.3500 | y | 751 High Street, Brownsville |
Jake’s Pizza | 724.929.9897 | n | 428 Broad Ave, Belle Vernon |
Lagerheads | 724.938.3470 | n | 100 Spring Street, Coal Center |
Lil’ Joey’s Pizza | 724.785.7700 | y | 420 Old National Pike, Brownsville |
Little Bamboo Chinese | 724.929.6899 | n | 311 Tri County Lane, Belle Vernon |
Paci’s | 724.785.7113 | n | 384 Old National Pike, Brownsville |
Pepper Ronnie’s | 724.785.7200 | y | 634 National Pike E., Brownsville |
Pickers Pub | 724.364.7001 | n | 101 High St. Street, Brownsville |
Route 40 Classic | 724.785.4000 | n | 6229 National Pike E., Grindstone |
Rye’s Bar & Restaurant | 724.785.8410 | n | 248 Old National Pike, Brownsville |
Subway | 724.938.8338 | n | 352 Third Street, California |
From the Cal U Times:
Cooking at home:
Cheap, easy to make, easy to follow recipes with STEP by STEP instructions, https://www.budgetbytes.com/
Eat well on $4/day free PDF cook book, https://cookbooks.leannebrown.com/good-and-cheap.pdf
Volunteer Opportunities:
The Greater Washington County Food Bank is in need of volunteers to help with the demand across our area. Please sign up with them directly at gwcbf.org. They will work with you once you sign up to provide detailed information (day, time, location, etc.).
All other volunteer opportunities will be listed on Timecounts. Please visit timecounts.org/calupa for the most up to date information in our area. If you need assistance creating an account or finding opportunities, please contact VPSL at [email protected].

Pennsylvania is now allowing registered voters to vote using a mail-in ballot.
This link will allow people to apply for either a mail in ballot, or to apply for an absentee ballot:
Online Absentee Application: www.pavoterservices.pa.gov
You must be a registered voter to submit an application. You may check whether you are registered to vote in Pennsylvania using Find Voter Registration Status.
Please note, if you plan to vote using an absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 GENERAL PRIMARY held on 04/28/2020, your completed application must be received in the county office by 5:00 PM on 04/21/2020. The deadline to return your voted absentee or mail-in ballot is 8:00 PM on 04/28/2020.
- If you’re a voter with a valid PA Driver’s License or PennDOT ID number, you may apply with this online form.
- If you do not have one of these ID numbers, you will need to download a paper application and mail it to your County Board of Elections. Otherwise, you may visit your local county elections office.
- For an absentee application, download the absentee paper application form.
- For a mail-in ballot application, download the mail-in ballot paper application form.
Notice for Military and Overseas Voters: When applying for an absentee ballot, use the federal form.
NOTE: You must apply for an absentee or mail-in ballot for each election, unless you qualify for and request permanent status to vote by mail-in ballot.
St. Peter in Brownsville is offering a livestream on Facebook of the worldwide Rosary today at 4pm, Stations of the Cross this Friday at 7pm, and live church service every Sunday at 11am on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/pg/HistoricChurchofStPeter/
Students can get the latest information about New Life meetings/Bible studies/etc. by our Instagram (@newlifecalu) or by signing up for our email list (email Lizz Buchanan at [email protected] to be added to the list).
STAND Wednesday Night
A time of encouragement from God’s Word, interviews and a little bit of fun!
9PM Every Wednesday Night
Join Zoom Meeting https://calu.zoom.us/j/836678434 Meeting ID: 836 678 434
or Instagram Live @standcalu
Group Discussion on the Bible
4PM Tuesdays
Join Zoom Meeting https://calu.zoom.us/j/231460075 Meeting ID: 231 460 075
Virtual Concert with Joy & Peace Ike!
7PM this Wednesday 3/25
Instagram or Facebook LIVE
@ccoministry or https://www.facebook.com/events/3013147268730247/
To talk or video chat with Cal U’s Campus Minister, please contact:
Pete Ware
Campus Minister
California University of PA
CCO partnered with the STAND Ministry Council
cell 215-880-5872
CAL U Catholic with Meghan Larsen-Reidy
Virtual book group. To join this group email [email protected] to get a physical book.
Zoom meetings will be scheduled to discuss the book.
A live rosary will happen every Wednesday, visit Instagram: @calucatholic to participate.
Online religious services is Western PA: