Cal U Public Relations
Old Main, California University of Pennsylvania
A message to students sent on behalf of Dr. Bruce Barnhart, provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs.
To our students,
On March 30, Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education announced the suspension of all in-person instruction through the end of the Summer 2020 terms. The Chancellor’s guidance was issued to protect the health of our students, faculty, staff and communities, including you and your family.
What does this change in summer plans mean for Cal U students?
1. All summer classes will be delivered online or through another type of distance learning, so you can continue to earn credits while studying at home. Cal U’s Summer College offers a wide array of online graduate and undergraduate courses, including courses that meet General Education requirements. It’s easy to apply now through VIP, the Vulcan information Portal.
Cal U has offered summer courses online for many years, and students from all universities are welcome! Check out our Summer College courses or learn more at www.calu.edu/summer-college.
2. No in-person experiential learning can take place this summer. That includes “clinical rotations, student teaching, internships, field experiences, and other types of academically related placements,” according to the Chancellor’s directive. Please contact your faculty adviser if your academic program requires an internship, practicum or other experiential learning course. Our professors are working with students to explore alternatives so you can continue on the path to graduation.
3. No camps, including sports camps, will be held on campus until mid-August, at the soonest. Cal U Athletics will abide by NCAA and PSAC regulations about when practices and athletic competitions may resume. Student-athletes, please stay in touch with your coaches!
As you progress with your spring courses, please think ahead:
Fall registration opens Monday, April 6, for seniors. Juniors, sophomores and first-year students also can register through VIP starting next week. Remember that early registration gives you the best chance of securing a seat in the courses you need.
Summer College registration is open now. The summer term can be an opportunity to focus on one or two challenging subjects, boost your GPA or add courses that count toward a minor or second major. A summer course also can help you stay connected with classmates and keep your study skills sharp. Cal U students can register through VIP or learn more at www.calu.edu/summer-college.
If you need any assistance with scheduling, email schedulingcenter@calu.edu, text your question to 724-780-0174, or call and leave a message at 724-938-1608.