Coping strategies to handle emotional stress and anxiety during finals week

Advisors say it’s important to practice self-care and seek assistance from campus mental health resources

Angel Hart Funk, Opinion Editor

In an annual report from the Association for University and College Counseling Center Director’s anxiety, stress, and depression are affecting students at higher rates than ever. Leading student to seek access to resources that some campuses don’t have. 

As students in a generation where mental health is topic slowly becoming less of a stigma with more of a conversation around its importance, these resources need to be available. 

On our campus, we are fortunate to be given access to a number of resources for several areas of overall wellbeing. The Counseling Center on campus directs students to resources for drug and alcohol addiction, dating violence, and mental health issues.

However, a visit to the Counseling Center can be made for finals week aniexty or for stress related to the hardships that come with the holiday season it’s important to take care of your mental health.

According to, consistent stressing can lead to everything mental health problems like aniexty and depression, to general irritability, insomnia, headaches, and other medical responses.

No matter what you’re dealing with this time of the year, it’s important to practice self-care and utilize the resources available on campus. 

If it’s an issue with a class, remember that professors want to see you succeed, reach out if you’re struggling or if that seems to be too daunting to visit the Office of Academic Success for advice. 

While studying is important to take short breaks from school work. Set aside time to make plans for meals, as this is often something we tend to overlook. Part of being stressed is the toll it takes our bodies physically, something as simple as remembering to drink water can keep you from a severe headache or checking a cold that will keep you from being productive.

Take a short nap if you need to and remember that staying up all night is never the way to go. Sleep deprivation can cause memory issues, mood swings, affect concentration, a weakened immune system, and weight gain according to, all of which can seriously affect your performance during finals. 

Caffeine may seem like an easy solution but can come with some serious health consequences ranging from mentally to physically. Drink it in moderation.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your space, move locations to the library, student union, or even a short walk around campus can increase some endorphins and open your mind to clearer thinking.

Managing your time effectively with a planner or to do list can help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. However, we’ve all procrastinated at some point. Even whenever your workload never seems to end- it eventually will.