A Letter from the Editor In Chief: Fall 2017
The members of the Cal Times staff pose for their Christmas photo for the December 8, 2017, issue of the Cal Times. In the front row, left to right: Tristan Bartolomucci, Rachael McKriger and Colin Kirkwood. In the second row, from left to right: Brad Britvich, Melissa Petruzzi, James Rudolph, Taylor Barta, Jeromy Mackey, Mari Boyle, Jessica Crosson, Danny Beeck and Olivia Wilson.
December 2, 2017
Another semester down, and one more to go until summertime arrives.
It’s been truly an honor to work alongside the group of editors, staff writers, contributors and photographers that are on our staff at the Cal Times.
This is my second term as editor in chief of the Cal Times, and it couldn’t be possible without the work of our dedicated staff. We’re lucky to be able to print a paper issue twice a month, and provide online content throughout the whole semester.
Last year, we had a bunch of new editorial positions filled, but this year that wasn’t the case.
Mari Boyle returned as news editor, Jessica Crosson is taking care of entertainment for the second year in a row, Danny Beeck is owning the sports section for year two and Taylor Barta is taking care of our front page, photo spreads and being our utility man once again.
However, we did add a new opinions editor: James Rudolph.
James has provided amazing work, not just by laying out his section, but by providing a ton of articles each time. Sometimes he lets me slide in a few sports opinionated articles through, but James has done amazing with political coverage.
All of our editors have done a great job this year, and we’ve been proud of the content we’re putting out every week, whether it be online or in print.
That’s not to say we haven’t made any mistakes, but we’ve all taken our mistakes and corrected them. We’re working hard, despite making mistakes, and we’re going to do our best, week in and week out, to make our paper perfect.
We’re getting there, and we’re putting in a ton of work. I can speak on behalf of my staff that we’re dedicated to providing Cal U students with a newspaper that they can be entertained and informed with.
We provide truth, and we follow our code of ethics. We’re proud to be journalists, columnists, graphic designers and photographers.
I was lucky enough to attend a conference with Danny and one of our staff writers, Colin Kirkwood, about media on college campuses and beyond graduation.
We learned a lot about multimedia, and if you haven’t noticed, that’s something we’re really bringing to the table this semester, through our photos and videos.
We work hard with CUTV to provide coverage on Newscenter. We also work hard with them on sports shoots, bringing Cal U sports to viewers on television and YouTube.
Talk to Danny about that, he’s the media utility man.
This paper is the last of the fall semester, but come the spring semester we’ll work twice as hard. We’re a good, hard-working group that is dedicated to giving Cal U a great newspaper.
We’re constantly brainstorming new ideas on how to make our newspaper even better, and I’d love to hear from the people that actually read it! My email is underneath my byline, and if you have a suggestion, I’d be more than happy to hear it.
Until then, we’ll brainstorm in the newsroom, and we’ll continue to provide in-depth coverage about California University of Pennsylvania.